Andrea Bond,

Chief Program Officer


Before joining the All Means All Team, Andrea worked for a decade in multiple leadership roles with Collegiate Academies as the Senior Director of Student Support and most recently as the organization’s Chief Academic Officer (CAO). In these roles, Andrea led the organization in launching a robust continuum of services for scholars with diverse academic, social-emotional and transition support needs. Additionally, she was an initial co-designer and co-founder of Opportunities Academy, a school that is uniquely designed to provide high quality and individualized transition programming for students with significant disabilities.  As CAO, she led the network's programmatic response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a part of this response, she worked to make learning entirely virtual by ensuring 100% of students had access to tech and internet alongside increasing the shared curriculum from eight to 23 to ensure instructional quality and access via a community design process. With her support, Collegiate's five high schools all earned an A or B progress rating in 2019.  She has a masters in Special Education with a focus in Learning Disabilities from American University and a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Indiana University.

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