Our Mission

Children and teacher



At All Means All, we seek to redesign schools to be places that prioritize anti-racist and anti-ableist practices in order to achieve true equity. Our vision is that every student has a neighborhood school and community where they are seen for their assets, authentically belong, and have a viable path to achieving their dreams. Our mission is to build partnerships with school and system leaders to eliminate the opportunity gap for students with disabilities and other learners with intersectional identities historically marginalized in schools, even by the most equity-centered systems.

Teacher and student

Habits of Mind

The program integrates five Habits of Mind, research-based mindsets based on schools that truly serve all learners and supported by practicable behaviors. These habits of mind upport adults in creating schools where every learner graduates to lead a life of unlimited opportunity. Throughout the program, leaders will interrogate their core values and actions against these habits of mind and identify where values and mindsets may exist in tension with each other.

Explore our Habits of Mind here


Our DEIA Commitments

We believe that part of changing the narrative for our students is doing the work ourselves to be a workplace and learning environment where our students can thrive as adults. We are committed to ensuring a diversity of voices, ideas, and talents exist for our organization, leaders, and partners to do the best work possible. We developed our commitments in partnership and co-creation with our previous cohorts and trusted partners.

We are committed to investing in leaders of color through enrollment in our fellowship. Research shows that students benefit from being led and taught by a diverse team, and that leaders of color are often given fewer opportunities to lead or develop in leadership. Given the impact of our country’s persistent systems of advantage and inequitable access, AMA also prioritizes partnering with schools and systems with a high percentage of students experiencing poverty and/or students who identify as BIPOC.

Our DEIA work is focused on dismantling systems of disadvantage and developing conscious leadership across three areas:

    • Building a diverse full time and extended team of faculty, coaches and consultants

    • Equitable and transparent compensation and growth paired with benefits that support deliberate rest, personal and professional growth, generational wealth building and diverse identities and needs

    • Contribute to the economic growth of organizations who center or are led by disabled leaders and leaders of color

    • Building and maintaining a diverse cohort of school and system leaders

    • Program experience that models what our students deserve - one that is accessible, culturally relevant and universally designed

    • Our leaders will shrink academic and social emotional disparities and inequities in outcomes for students with disabilities and other intersectional identities that have been historically marginalized

    • Center the experiences and voices of students throughout our work and the diverse experiences of leaders in our design


Woman talking

Watch our stories of impact to learn how our habits of mind have shifted the work of All Means All leaders.

See the stories →


Ready to dismantle systemic racism and ableism in schools?
